Wednesday, September 2, 2015

TF2 Scattergun Review :)

First off, Yes. We are doing EVERY TF2 WEAPON.

           The Scout is very diverse when it comes to loadouts. What I prefer, is the scattergun. The scout is famous for getting right up to point blank and unloading his Primary, which almost always can Two shot depending on the range. Today, we will talk about the default primary for the Scout: The Scattergun.

           One of the main reasons the scattergun is so lethal, is because of its clip. The Scattergun carries 6 Shots, compared to the 4 of the Shortstop and Backscatter, and 2 of the Force a Nature and Soda Popper.
           Dealing around 100 damage when fired from point blank, this beats every other Scout primary besides the Force a Nature, Due to the 20% more bullets per shot Buff. Although the Scattergun isn't the fastest firing of these weapons, it is very lethal from behind, even more lethal than the backscatter, which we will discuss at a later time.

           This is probably a con the shares with every scout scattergun, and that's accuracy. This weapon is really meant to be fired at point blank. and if you are complaining about the scout's lack of accuracy, that's your problem, because that scout is made to flank. Other than that, the scattergun is a pretty good weapon

Possible Types/Reskins:
          The Scattergun can come in Strange, Australium Festive, and Botkiller Forms

Weapon Demonstration:
         Please enjoy this weapon demonstration by TF2wiki

And Now, To Wrap Things Up:

This Weapon is probably my Favorite Scout Primary.
I rate it 9/10

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